Purchasing optimization

JRL-Bossert Consulting analyses and optimizes your purchasing strategy through a comprehensive, holistic and sustainable methodology. By doing so areas of purchasing processes, purchasing organization, purchasing methodology and purchasing tools get optimized and improved.

This results in a purchasing strategy which makes your purchasing department more efficient and ensures sustainable and recurring cost savings. This procedure is in a first step, characterize by a comprehensive analysis phase. The findings are then discussed with the different departments and retained in a common, pragmatic optimization approaches.

During the implementation phase, these optimization actions are then implemented gradually sustainably and profitably operate in a pre-determined plan of implementation.

Purchase processes

Competitive advantages can be achieved with an efficient and more professional procurement organisation. We have a very clear … read more>>

Purchase conditions

The right buttons need to be pushed in order to achieve sustainable cost savings. For this, transparency, know-how and efficient … read more>>

Purchasing organization

Transparent and efficient structures and responsibilities are essential success factors of a high-impact purchasing department … read more>>

Purchasing controlling

Many organisations lack sufficient transparency of their purchasing processes and their related expenses … read more>>